45R Denim
Chapter Ⅱ

45R Denim
Chapter Ⅱ


In the early summer of 2024, the second chapter of 45R denim begins. For over thirty years, we have been crafting denim. Returning to our roots once more, we meticulously reconsidered materials, dyeing techniques, and silhouettes, deciding to recreate denim from scratch. Both the leather patch and the 'R' embroidery have been renewed. The patch stands as a testament to our denim, while the 'R' embroidery on the back pocket serves as a brand identity, prepared to complement the reimagined denim. We have revisited not only the design but also the size and crafting methods of the patch. Additionally, the 'R' embroidery has been naturally dyed using botanical dyes tailored to each denim, fading alongside the denim color, blending seamlessly over time. Even with the same fabric, denim with various finishes exhibits a myriad of visual nuances. Whether you're stepping into our denim world for the first time or have been with us for some time, we invite you to come along for the ride as we unveil the next chapter in our denim journey.



Materials Colors Finishes Patch ‘R’ Embroidery
Futatabi6.5 | 13ozWhite Gunjyo | Kageironando | White Nou | Syou | Zyu | Tan | Sei 45 Star Edo Kobicha


Materials Colors Finishes Patch ‘R’ Embroidery
Rye Mugi R66 | White Raw | Syou | Zyu | Appare Hiten-R Edo Sakura


Materials Colors Finishes Patch ‘R’ Embroidery
Futatabi6.5 | Rye Mugi | 13ozWhite R66 | Gunjou | Kageironando Raw | Nou | Syou | Zyu | Tan | Sei | Appare Crosby-5 Edo Asagi


Materials Colors Finishes Patch ‘R’ Embroidery
Rye Mugi R66 | White Nou | Zyu | Tan | Sei | Appare Crosby-R Edo Asagi


Materials Colors Finishes Patch ‘R’ Embroidery
Rye Mugi Stretch R66 Nou | Syou | Zyu Chibi-R Edo Sakura

ー From Summer 2024 Catalog

Wasshoii, Wasshoii! Welcome to the Denim Matsuri! The spirit of 45R's Denim Festival is bringing joy and excitement to your town. People of all ages, come and enjoy the Wasshoi, Wasshoi energy!